ʚ.Our Little Band #O69

by - June 12, 2021

◦⊱♡Yesterday, my mommy trusted me to watch my baby sister whilst she went and tended to the garden. So I decided ta make it lotsa fun! We wanted to put gonna show, but first we needed ta play dress and I let my sissy wear what ever she wanted. Silly baby didn't put her shirt on good, but Mama says it important for her to learn all on her own, so I just let her do it the way her wanna. Then we put on our mommies hats, and these cool glasses we got at the shop! Then it was music time! We gotten our drums and keytar and putted on a show. But we hadda start over lotsa times cos sammie kept trynna eat the drumstick. She is a super silly baby.♡⊰◦
⭐️Sponsored Item(s)⭐️
❥ {Seams Legit} I Dressed Myself! Gacha
26. {Seams Legit} I Dressed Myself! - Slouchy Shirt (TD) RARE
26. {Seams Legit} I Dressed Myself! - Slouchy Pants (TD) RARE
14. {Seams Legit} Handsocks Left - Teddies (TD)
23. {Seams Legit} Sunhat - Pink Strawberries
21. {Seams Legit} Sunhat - Tan
Breaux Willow - Alien Story
. tiptoes - Novelty Sunglasses (Flowers)
 . tiptoes - Slide Sandals (Stripes) - Ocean 
  DUST: Kertar & Toy Drum - bby shark
All at KidCred Event Thank you!
[Opened June 10th]


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